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      Diode Pumped Green Crystal Laser

      Ultra-compact  High reliability  Low noise  Low cost

      • No other laser company can provide a reliable 400 mW, 532 nm green laser in a ultra-compact housing with power consumption of <10 W. CrystaLaser does.
      • CrystaLaser designs and manufactures cost effective ultra-compact diode-pumped green crystal lasers. Our green lasers feature with high reliability, high stability, high efficiency, low noise and excellent laser beam quality. These lasers are specificly designed for OEMs, scientific and industrial use.
      • CrystaLaser manufactures compact diode-pumped solid-state DPSS green crystal laser products including diode-pumped CW green laser and DPSS Q-switched green laser systems. The SHG of Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Nd:YVO4 green lasers with true CW output and Q-switched pulsed output are for industrial instrumentation applications in holography, biomedical, fluorescence, reprographics, laser trapping, laser Raman, interferometry, semiconduct inspection and materials processing.
          Ultra-stable CW green laser, output stability 0.25% over 24 hours, is availible now.
          Compact Q-switched UV, Green, and IR lasers are availible now.
          Up to 200 mW, single longitudinal mode, 532 nm green laser with more than 100 meters coherence length is suitable for holography and interferometry applications.
      • Wavelengths of the green lasers: 532 nm, 523 nm, 527 nm, 542 nm, 555 nm and 561 nm .
      • The green laser is easy to use, plug and play, no cooling fan, no cooling water required, no noise and no vibration during laser operation.
      • The diode-pumped crystal lasers are based on our proprietary coupled-cavity laser technology. This patented laser technology allows our green and infrared crystal lasers to operate in a single longitudinal mode and TEMoo mode with low amplitude noise and extremely low power consumption in a compact housing.
      • If you need special configurations of green lasers, please contact CrystaLaser directly.


        Laser wavelength                 532 nm (523, 527, 542, 555 nm and 561 nm available)
        Laser Crystal                    Nd:YAG, Nd:YVO4
        CW output power (mW)             400, 300, 200, 150, 100, 75, 50, 25, 10, 5
        Output power stability           < 2% over 2 hours; 
                                         (Ultra-stable option: <0.25%, over 24 hrs)
        Noise(10 Hz to 50 MHz)           < 0.5% for L-version and S-version
        Transverse beam mode             TEMoo
        Beam diameter (1/e2)             0.36 mm
        Beam divergence                  2 mrad
        Beam pointing stability          0.02 mrad
        Polarization ratio               > 100 : 1
        Operation temperature            10 to 35 degree C
        Operation voltage                90-250 VAC, or 9-20 VDC
        Typical power consumption        10 W
        Warm-up time                     < 2 min
        Dimensions of laser head         3 x 3 x 12 cm (1.2 x 1.2 x 4.7 inch)
        Dimensions of power supply       AC: 5x14x15 cm3 (2x5x6 inch)  DC: 3.5x8.5x12.7 cm3
        Expected life time               > 10,000 hours 
        Model number                     GCL-XXX-S        GCL-XXX-L       GCL-XXX-M
                                         S-version        L-version       M-version
        Longitudinal mode                single(SLM)      several         multiple
        Linewidth                        <0.00001 nm      <0.1 nm         <0.2 nm
        Instantaneous Linewidth          10 kHz
        Coherence length                 >100 meter       1-10 mm         1-10 mm
        Output noise(rms)                <0.5%            <0.5%           ~20% at 500 kHz

        CrystaLaser ImageCrystaLaser ImageCrystalaser Image CrystaLaser Image
        Click on any pictures to get more detail.

        Mechanical dimensions of 532 nm green laser head and laser power supply

        For more information, please access the online information request form
        download catalog or visit main web page

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